We are thrilled to announce that our goal has been achieved and surpassed! Thank you to all our incredible donors for reaching a total figure of US$ 8.8 billion! #GVS2020 pic.twitter.com/WBuiP54hXe
— Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance (@gavi) June 4, 2020
As we celebrate Gavi’s 20th anniversary at #WEF20, it’s important to remind ourselves of why it was created – and the milestones that have been achieved since.
— Gavi (@gavi) January 22, 2020
This is the story of an Alliance that today protects half the world’s children:#ProtectTheNextGeneration pic.twitter.com/5SIkQi0gtB

An information meeting to present the Waqf project, an instrument in Islamic finance, was held on Friday, December 07, 2018 around a breakfast. The Afrivac’ Waqf will allow to generate additional resources for immunization in Africa .
ACT Afrique Group, AMSA Assurances Sénégal, UBA Senegal, SIPRES, Agetip, Port Autonome de Dakar, LA BANQUE ISLAMIQUE de Développement, Agence de Gestion du Patrimoine Bâti de l'Etat - AGPBE, AFIG Funds, Agetip senegal